We live in a world run by “to-do” lists. We are in constant pursue of the next big thing. Never satisfied with our current state, we always want more, and more, and more! However, this never ending “goal-chasing” can sometimes be detrimental to our health. We find ourselves doing things just for the sake of doing them and we lose our purpose in life.
Do you find yourself constantly working hard but hardly getting anything done? Do you find yourself always running but you’re not going anywhere? At the end of the day, you are tired but haven’t accomplished much? If yes, then you, my friend, have been on the hamster wheel and it’s time to get off of it!
The good news is when you finally do realize that you are indeed on the hamster wheel, it’s easier for you to get off of it.
- One of the simple thing I do is “BREATHE”. Taking a deep breath helps me release my built up tension.
- Also you have to realize that everything does not have to be under your control. Personally, this is one of my struggles. I like to be in control of everything. But letting go sometimes can be the best thing that happen to you.
- Literally disconnect: Turn off the phone, the computer. Most importantly, stay off social media. Social media plays a huge role in our stressed out life. In the name of social media, we want to do more in order to show more and consequently be more (in the eyes of others).
- Once you’ve cleared you mind, set up your goals, prioritize and strategize how you will achieve them. When you have a scattered mind, you don’t know where to focus your time and energy. But when you set up small weekly goals, you are more likely achieve them.
Also, going on vacation to a nice hotel is not so bad either! 😉
Until next time,