In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Are you my friend? Then it’s time to speak up! Please don’t be silent. We cannot turn a blind eye just because it makes us uncomfortable. Let’s stop pretending that racism does not exist. Maybe you feel that is on the other side of the border, therefore it doesn’t affect you. Let me tell you something: I have been personally a victim of racism. I’ve been called the N word, been spat at while in my car, here in Montreal, in broad daylight!
Not calling for a pity party here, but rather for you to use your voice, your platform, your creativity, whatever you got, to speak up against racism and make a change.
Remaining silent and turning away from what makes uncomfortable is not the way to see change. Let’s be the change we wish to see in the world.
I speak to white and non white people. We’ve stayed silent for too long! Now is the time to speak up. 🗣🗣🗣
As I read this famous quote of MLK, I pray for restoration, healing for our nation and that we have the courage to speak up against racism!
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”
“Love is like the wind. You can’t see it, but you can feel it.”
A Walk to Remember
Valentine’s day is right around the corner! 🌹 ♥️ 🌹. Whether you’re celebrating with your significant other, your friends or by yourself (#whynot!), you should do so in the cutest outfit! In the below video, I styled 3 outfits that work great for whatever mood you’re feeling like on V-Day: Whether you want to be comfy, or you’re feeling sophisticated, there’s something for you.😉
Oh! And the best thing is these outfits not only work for V-day but you can wear them for other occasions!
Music: Moon Bay Site:
I’ve linked each outfit with similar styles that range from affordable to investment-worthy pieces, so you can recreate these outfits!
Outfit #1
Outfit #2
Outfit #3
Let me know in the comments which look you prefer!
Some of you may have noticed, others may have not, but for the last 3 weeks I have been m.i.a on Instagram. I decided to take this time off to refocus, get clarity and a clear vision from God for my future, my family etc. 🙏🏽
Honestly this move is against everything that all social media “experts” advise : “Make sure you post consistently!” “Make sure you at least have an online presence!” “ Don’t forget about the algorithm!” 🤯
But I realized that with all the chatter of social media, it’s easy to get sucked in the routine and just go through the motions in life, without accomplishing anything concrete! It’s easy to just go, go, go and not take the time to just BE. We live our lives in a constant #FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) state, that even if our soul is exhausted, we just keep on pushing, and never take the time to properly rest, because we’re oh so afraid of missing our next opportunity.
They say it takes 21 days to form an habit… This time off has really helped me appreciate and live in the present moment. Of course there were times that I would mechanically open social media! 😬 but then I remember the bigger purpose (refocus, be attuned to God’s voice) and close it right away! 😬
Everyone is talking about #2020vision but in reality some of us are living life blind to our real purpose in life. I’m not saying everyone has to go on a social media fast, but please don’t let it be all talk, no action and by the time 2021 rolls up, nothing’s been accomplished!
There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.
C. S Lewis
A decade is ending its course. A new one is starting! As we get ready to ring in the new decade, I am sharing with you 4 roadblocks for us to put aside, in order to enter this new year in full force!
Self doubt makes you think that you are not good enough, qualified enough to accomplish something! It can sometimes make you feel like a fraud, #impostorsyndrome, waiting for others to discover you as such. This feeling of uncertainty can be delibitating and when left unaddressed, it can go as far as paralyzing you in your day-to-day life! This new decade, let’s plan to be more confident in our God-given abilities! When you don’t feel confident, strong, enough, remember who called you, remember who put these abilities in you! It’s time to stop second-guessing yourself! It’s time to fully trust and rely on Him!
Opinions of others
This goes hand in hand with self-doubt. Might as well be its offspring! We care so much about what others think of us, about how we are portrayed as to others, that we begin to doubt ourselves and we are paralyzed when it’s time for us to make a decision! When we are not confident in ourselves, we let the opinions of others dictate our decisions. I love this quote from Michelle Obama, well acclaimed book “Becoming” : “If you don’t get out there and define yourself, you’ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others.”
Don’t let the opinions of others define you, but be confident in what God says of you!
I recently shared a post by Craig Groeschel on my Instagram stories about comparison. It says “The fastest way to kill something special is to compare it to something else.” I couldn’t have said it any better!
With social media, it is so easy to compare! We compare our relationship, our kids, our jobs, our bodies, our leisure time… We compare every single thing to what strangers on social media have perfectly, carefully curated! And we wonder why we are feeling depressed and unmotivated or (not sure what’s worse) animated by an unsatisfying quest of perfection! It is so easy to fall into this trap, and be ensnared in this culture of comparison! Each one of us is unique! Time to embrace your uniqueness and do what only you are called to do!
I once heard of this quote by Les Brown: “The graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled, the books that were never written, the songs that were never sung, the inventions that were never shared, the cures that were never discovered, all because someone was too afraid to take that first step, keep with the problem, or determined to carry out their dream.”
So many big dreams that never see the light of day, all because we were LAZY! I am not even talking about being afraid of failure! No! Laziness!! We layed all day in front of the couch and nothing got done! Remember these words by Michael Landon “Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows.”
As we are entering this new decade, what are you planning to leave behind in 2019?
The holidays are in full gear! Family gatherings here… Trendy parties there… Romantic tête -à-têtes there!! Our social calendar is blowing up and our wardrobe has got to keep up!
Luckily, I’ve put together 3 holidays looks that will keep you looking like the fabulous person that you are!
Music: Happy Holidays Musician: Jef
I’ve linked each outfit with similar styles that range from affordable to investment-worthy pieces, so you can recreate these outfits!