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    As we are stepping into a new month, I am reminded to give myself grace as I navigate through motherhood.

    ✨I will give myself grace when I’m feeling overwhelmed by my little blessings.  Raising a child is no easy feast.  But I will remind myself, in the middle of the chaos, that I was given these babies for a reason and I am the best mom that they need. 

    ✨I will give myself grace and know and accept that I will make mistakes. I will ask for forgiveness, but most importantly, I forgive myself. 

    ✨I will give myself grace when the laundry is piling up, the house needs tidying up, and other household chores get pushed to the sides. As long as my family is fed and happy, that’s all that truly matters.

    ✨I will give myself grace even when my body is not up to society’s standards of #bodygoals. I will choose rest when I need to, and will remind myself that this body gave birth to a baby and that is pretty amazing, if you ask me! 🙌🏽👏🏽🙌🏽

    ✨I will give myself grace when I want some “me time”, and not give in to #mommyguilt. I am a woman first, before I am a mom.

    ✨I will give myself grace simply because I don’t have to have everything figured out. And if I fail today, tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to try again.



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    Happy International Women’s Day!

    Ever since, I welcomed my daughter last year, I’ve been more conscious of all the injustices women around the world suffer. Women from different social economic backgrounds have for so long been mistreated publicly or behind closed doors. I have been on the receiving end of mistreatment, abuse from people in power but as many women around the world, I brushed it aside as «the way the world works». As I grew older, I learned to voice my opinion and be a strong, confident woman!

    Now that I have a daughter, I am more determined to be an example of a strong woman for her! I am determined to show her that she is worthy, she has a voice, she has a seat at the table and that she can do whatever she sets her mind to!

    « Here’s to Strong Women!
    May we know them
    May we be them
    May we raise them! »

    Until next time!

    xoxo 💋